
Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by to check out the new Ectotherm Addiction blog. My name is Cheryl, an active herp hobbyist, and your host. This blog will be updated each Saturday, so keep an eye out and follow along! What can you expect to read here? Each week I'll post an article on a reptile related topic, different topics will include reviews of places you can go to visit reptiles in Ontario, rare species profiles, reviews of interesting reptile literature and news, photo of the month, event coverage and even possibly breeder interviews! By following this blog you may learn about a cool zoo in your area that you've never visited, or learn about a book that may be worth your time to pick up and read! The hobby of collecting reptiles is an addicting one! It often inspires the desire to grow, collect and most importantly, learn! It's my hope to be able to foster that learning bug in an exciting way! If you have ideas, comments, or would like your business/event featured in a blog post, please send me an e-mail at CherylSSheridan@gmail.com!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Farmers Pantry- Wildlife Interactive Nature Center

And now time for a shameless plug! The Farmer’s Pantry is located on a 125 acre apple orchard…and is a place to see reptiles? Indeed! Nestled in between the many different educational activities offered is Wildlife Interactive, a nature center focusing around Ontario wildlife. Exhibits feature a wide variety of species using live animals, taxidermied specimens and odds and ends such as bones and feathers. Although it’s no zoo by any means, you’ll find some legal Canadian colubrids like garter snakes and hognose, as well as some relatives of Canadian species like the corn snakes. Thanks to the Little Res Q, we also have a turtle on display, and we hope to bring her back for every summer and fall season! Come for a guided tour through the nature center and we’ll bring out some of the critters for you to interact with. About three times a year public reptile shows are held featuring both the general occupants of the nature center along with other more exotic species. We also do many shows for different camps, daycares, clubs and school groups. Additionally small groups of people can book presentation for a birthday party or other events.
So in the summer, you can sneak in a visit to see reptiles and maybe add in an archery lesson or a round of mini golf. In the fall check them out then pick your own apples and go on a tractor wagon ride! These guys are a nice treat for the reptile lover in the middle of an overall action packed day!
Check us out at FarmersPantry.com!

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