
Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by to check out the new Ectotherm Addiction blog. My name is Cheryl, an active herp hobbyist, and your host. This blog will be updated each Saturday, so keep an eye out and follow along! What can you expect to read here? Each week I'll post an article on a reptile related topic, different topics will include reviews of places you can go to visit reptiles in Ontario, rare species profiles, reviews of interesting reptile literature and news, photo of the month, event coverage and even possibly breeder interviews! By following this blog you may learn about a cool zoo in your area that you've never visited, or learn about a book that may be worth your time to pick up and read! The hobby of collecting reptiles is an addicting one! It often inspires the desire to grow, collect and most importantly, learn! It's my hope to be able to foster that learning bug in an exciting way! If you have ideas, comments, or would like your business/event featured in a blog post, please send me an e-mail at CherylSSheridan@gmail.com!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wild Encounters - Dekay's Brown Snake

I always have my eye low to the ground and on the lookout for native Canadian reptiles. Many times it’s with little reward, but sometimes to get a surprise! After having never stumbled upon a wild DeKay’s snake in my life, I found two within a week of each other (unique individuals). Take a look at this video that was taken before this little guy’s release!

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